fanny nelson

Since 2002, I've managed the sale of ten out of the twelve highest priced artefacts belonging to Nelson including the undisclosed record price for his gold pocket watch. Here are some highlights of those and other memorable sales and exhibitions I've been involved with.

Captain Hardy’s Trafalgar Watch »

In 2024, almost twenty years after I handled the sale of the gold pocket watch worn by Admiral Lord Nelson at the Battle of Trafalgar (see Nelson’s Watch), I sold the watch carried on that same fateful day by Nelson’s faithful flag captain and friend Thomas Masterman Hardy. Captain Hardy’s Trafalgar Watch THE GOLD WATCH […]


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Lost portrait of Lady Nelson »

I recently discovered this vivid and revealing portrait of Frances, Dowager Viscountess Nelson (1761-1831), the widow of Admiral Lord Nelson. This is the first portrait of Lady Nelson to be identified for over a century and one of only four portraits of her to survive.   It offers an affecting image of Frances in the last […]


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Going to bed with Nelson »

This George III silver chamber candlestick with its extinguisher, made by Thomas Hannam and John Crouch in London 1775, belonged to Admiral Lord Nelson. It is engraved with his San Josef crest granted to Nelson when he was made a knight of the Order of Bath after the battle of Cape St Vincent in February 1797. […]


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